Two Little Monkies

I was contacted by a shop from Etsy that I love to do a product shot of her drool bibs.  They are super cute and work so well to keep the drool off your babies clothes.  You think to yourself, "Why can't I just use a bib?"  Well you CAN, but these drool bibs from Two Little Monkies have a backing of terry cloth that doesn't allow the drool to leak onto the clothes like a normal bib would.  But what you can't see is that these bibs also have a layer of flannel sandwiched between the cotton and terry cloth, giving them 2 absorbent layers for even the heavy droolers. My daughters drools buckets. But with the Two Little Monkies drool bibs, I don't have to change her clothes multiple times a day!  I LOVE them!  Plus, they come in the cutest patterns!

You should definitely check out this bib if you have little ones!


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